Finally~~~~I finished my essays!!!!10000 thousand words, three subjects..
When me and Angela met in the calss today, we saw each other and said,
'yeah~~~we all finished these stupid essays....we can have a good sleep,
Actually, Donald's essay freaked us out because except for the main essay,
we still had to prepare the photo essay, it was really confusing.
know what? We both all couldn't sleep well. One time, I just received Angela's
email which was 6 or 7 someting. But she told me she woke up 5:30 as she
felt very worried and nervous about this thing...
It doesn't matter you are English or not, it is Donald's architectural stuff that
gave us much pressure.On the other hand, we all become 'architects' after this
demanding course....(modern,postmodern architecture,symbolic capital
,uncanny shape..or something..)
But English is still a big problem for me so that I decided to ask my American
neighbor,Lisa and my boss,Mat,to check my grammar things and English expression.
I'm fed up with being told 'you should improve your English expression'. I really
don't mind improving English(I'm not English...come I'll do my best to
improve it)but I do mind you care more about my content rather than my English...
If the problem is English, someone can help me.But If the problem is my idea,
no one can help me!!
Anyway, I've done all of these things,especially I worte them in only one month.
(Of course, I'd collected the literature for several months..)
Part-time job and essays didn't defeat me. Conversely,I think I would be much
stronger than before, and know how to keep a balance between studies and my job.
- Feb 02 Thu 2006 01:16